Dull Knife Dam Rehabilitation 2018
OWNER: Dull Knife Irrigation District
ENGINEER: Tetra Tech
Big Sky Civil Constructors was contracted in September 2017 to rehabilitate the spillway, outlet works, and embankment of the Dull Knife Reservoir. The spillway consisted of 32 mass concrete steps, mass concrete stilling basin, underdrains, structural concrete labyrinth weir, and structural stilling blocks. Big Sky Civil also installed a new slide gate, outlet works, concrete measuring flume, and completed a zoned embankment buttress fill to stabilize the existing earthen dam.
OWNER Testimony (Dull Knife Irrigation District)
Big Sky Civil Constructors, Inc. of Helena, MT, the contractor, whose construction of the Rehabilitation Project was outstanding! They worked closely with Tetra Tech, Inc., our Project Engineer, and with NRCS and WWDC to ensure installation of the Project met design criteria in every aspect; they were able to follow the nearly impossible construction timeline imposed by weather conditions at the site; and were cooperative at all times in working with county, state, and federal agencies and conforming to requests made by the District for the operation of the Reservoir.